Tier One

This outline is a guide for both you and I. I will use it to keep straight what sort of information I should be putting up articles about. You should be using to see what you ought to understand for a solid foundation to build the rest of your martial skill upon.

If I have not written the article myself, or linked to one from someone else, use your google-fu to learn about it. If you happen to find a well written article covering a section still unlinked, come back and leave a comment so I can update. Once this is rounded out, we’ll move on to team training.

  1. Introduction to Individual Skills
    1. Safety Rules and Weapon Conditions
    2. Materials needed for training
      1. Clothing
      2. Weapon with accessories
      3. Range with targets
    3. How To Use/Study
  2. Selecting Equipment
    1. Combat Rifle
      1. By CDI Factor
      2. By Familiarity
      3. By Brand/Quality
      4. By Imitation
    2. Apparel
      1. Tactical Clothing
        1. Functionality
        2. Camouflage
      2. Deuce Gear
        1. By Type
        2. By Function
        3. By CDI Factor
    3. BB’s
      1. By Compatibility
      2. By Quality
      3. By Weight
      4. By Preference
    4. Eye Protection
      1. By ANSI Rating
      2. By Anti-Fog
      3. By CDI Factor
    5. Radio
      1. By Signal Type
      2. By Brand/Quality
      3. Compatibility
  3. Weapon Handling
    1. Basic Nomenclature
      1. M16/M4 Series
      2. AK Series
      3. Commonality Over All Combat Rifles
    2. Marksmanship
      1. Establish Combat Zero
        1. Setting Hop-up Unit
        2. Adjusting the sights
      2. Fundamentals
        1. Sight Alignment and Picture
        2. Trigger Control
        3. Breath Control
    3. Firing Positions
      1. Fundamentals
        1. Bone Support
        2. Muscular Relaxation
        3. Natural Point of Aim
      2. Standard Positions
        1. Standing
          • Competition
          • Combat
        2. Kneeling
          • High
          • Low
        3. Sitting
          • High
          • Low
        4. Prone
    4. Reloading
      1. Tactical Reload
      2. Combat Reload
    5. Methods of Carry
      1. Non-combat Carries
        1. Administrative
        2. Port Arms
        3. Shoulder Slung Muzzle Up
        4. Shoulder Slung Muzzle Down
        5. Cross Body Muzzle Down
      2. Combat Carries
        1. Tactical
        2. Ready
        3. Low Alert
        4. Alert
  4. Airsoft Maintenance
    1. AEG Care
      1. Field Strip
        1. Clear Weapon/Remove Battery
        2. Disassemble Major Components
        3. Stop When You Have Barrel Access
      2. Cleaning
      3. Battery Maintenance
        1. Charging
        2. Discharging
      4. Storage
        1. Weapon
        2. Battery
        3. Magazines/BB’s
      5. Ammunition
        1. Loading
        2. Unloading
    2. Face Protection
      1. Lens Care
        1. Tools Needed
          • Fluid
          • Cloth
          • Case
      2. Anti-Fogging
        1. Spray
        2. Fan
        3. Tips
      3. Mouth Guard
        1. Mask
        2. Rubber
  5. Fieldcraft
    1. Wearing Your Gear
      1. Clothing
      2. Deuce Rig
        1. Magazine Pouches
          • Fresh
          • Expended
        2. Radio
        3. Water
        4. Dead Rag
        5. Cleaning Equipment
      3. Weapon Slings
        1. Three-point
        2. Two-point
        3. One-point
    2. Personal Camouflage
      1. Face Painting
        1. Paint Types
          • Compact
          • Sticks
          • Tubes
        2. Techniques
          • Features Counter-shading
          • Stripe
          • Splotch
          • Combination
        3. Removing the Paint
          • Lava Soap
          • Dish soap
          • Shaving Cream
      2. Head and Shoulders
        1. Boonie Hat
        2. Hood
        3. Ghillie Veil/Hood
      3. Weapon
        1. Spray Paint
        2. Cloth Wrap
        3. Vegetation
      4. Gear
        1. Spray Paint
        2. Tape
        3. Dye
    3. Individual Movement
      1. Positions
        1. Standing
        2. Hands and Knees Crawl
        3. Belly Crawl
        4. Back Crawl
      2. Cover and Concealment
        1. Difference
        2. Selecting
        3. Bounding
      3. Field Firing
        1. Estimating Range
        2. Knowing Limits and Ability
          • Yours
          • Enemies
        3. Establishing a Position
        4. Firing from Cover
    4. Immediate Action Drills
      1. Enemy Contact
        1. Don’t See You
        2. See You
      2. Reacting To Ambush
        1. In The Killzone
        2. Outside the Killzone
      3. Breaking Contact
        1. Clock Method
        2. Peel Method
    5. Radio Procedure
      1. Phonetics
        1. Alphabet
        2. Numbers
      2. Basic Operation
        1. Channels
        2. Push-to-Talk
        3. Range
      3. Establish Contact
        1. Basic Radio Lingo
        2. Brevity Codes
        3. Radio Check
      4. Basic Messages
        1. Situation Report
        2. SALUTE Report
        3. Fragmentary Order

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